This project is a challenge in which I try to do one altruistic act a day.

Continuing the Project

Wednesday, January 20, 2010
I apologize for not reporting as much information here as I did previously.  I have kept the project going, but my work schedule has gotten busier and I have let the documentation portion of this project sag a bit.  I understand that this is important too because this is the means in which I hope to inspire others to do selfless acts.  I will work harder at keeping this portion going.

As for new selfless acts, I am trying to think smaller as well as larger.  For example, I picked up a postcard off the staircase the other day.  My main reason for this was that this postcard is quite slippery and I thought I might prevent someone from tripping.  I also pulled off to the side of the road to help push someone's car which had stalled in the road.  I have also been involved with finding clothes and water to send to Haiti.  It is amazing how easy it is to find altruistic acts if I look for them.


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